Apparently I neglected this place for the whole of 2017. That's quite impressive, even by my standards. Still, this is me attempting to get things going again with a quick spring-clean, a bit of a redesign and a tie across to my Twitter handle so that everything works together in perfect harmony. Or something.
It's not like I did nothing at all last year. I had Iron and Gold rejected by a number of agents, some of whom went so far as to read the whole thing before deciding it wasn't for them. I wrote a couple of new drafts based on their feedback, so it's now officially on version 7. I wrote the first draft of something new in November (currently titled Words of Power) and was quite pleased with how it came out. I started writing a horror novella when I had a couple of spare days at the end of November, though it stalled a little as soon as NaNoWriMo was over. I crocheted a Space Invaders themed blanket for my newborn nephew and finished it just in time for Christmas. All in all, things were pretty busy.
But that was last year. It's time to make some rash declarations for this year and see if I stick to them. So what's on the cards?
- Keep plugging away with Iron and Gold. There are still agents who haven't seen it, and others who maybe need prodding to get it out of the slush pile.
- Finish the horror novella and see about editing it into something worthwhile.
- Edit Words of Power and throw it at beta readers to see what happens.
- Keep collecting short story rejections.
- Pick up the Manic Miner-themed filet crochet that I set down in order to make the baby blanket.
- Finally get around to taking some measurements and having a go at drafting sewing patterns from scratch.
- Remember to update this blog more often (hahaha, yeah, we'll see...)
That seems like enough to be getting on with for the year. There are other things in there that don't need to be rash declarations, like finally going to see Hamilton in the West End next month (so excited!), but from a creative standpoint if I can hit all those goals I'll be happy.
Why not check back here from time to time to find out I've not bothered to update again?
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