I've been thinking a
lot about diversity in fiction recently. There's been a lot going on
lately, what with Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice giving us
non-gendered characters and picking up just about every award going,
Ms Marvel getting praised for giving us a well-realised female Muslim
teenager, and Thor causing outrage for daring to have a woman lift
the hammer. But it was a thunderstorm a few weeks ago that finally
started to crystallise my thoughts into an actual idea.
One argument that comes
up again and again when the issue of diversity is raised is the
question of numbers. If x percent of people are gay (or whatever),
they say, then surely only x percent of fictional characters should
be gay (or whatever). And if that percentage is particularly small,
why then that would mean the majority of fiction wouldn't (and
shouldn't) contain any characters who are gay (or whatever) at all!
Too much diversity wouldn't be realistic, they argue.
Now clearly, this
argument is bollocks. For one thing, the people who argue that, for
example, transgendered characters should make up only a tiny
percentage of the whole are suspiciously silent when it comes to the
question of having more female characters. I mean, women make up
half the population, so why aren't they arguing that half of all
characters should be female? But there's more to it than that. I
finally realised, during the storm, why it is that I'm in favour of a
multitude of diverse characters regardless of their frequency in real
You see, Small Girl
decided that the best response to this particular thunderstorm was to
declare herself Storm from the X-Men, and run around pretending that
every flash and bang was her fighting the baddies. Until that
moment, I hadn't realised she even knew who Storm was. It turns out
she's been playing superheroes with the boys at school, and they'd at
some point given her the choice between being Storm or being Elsa
from Frozen. And apparently she'd been in the mood to try something
different, because she went with Storm. Whodathunk?
What struck me was not
the fact that she'd been playing with the boys (that's always been
pretty normal for Small Girl), nor the fact that she chose to be
Storm, unexpected as that was. What really stood out for me was the
idea that she'd been offered a choice. An actual, genuine choice
between two characters, either of which would have something to offer
in the fighting-the-baddies stakes. Not just "you can be Storm
because you're a girl."
For me, this is key
when it comes to diversity – the provision of choice. For Cis
White Straight Male playing Avengers, there's Iron Man and Captain
America and Thor and Hulk. For Cis White Straight Female, there's
Black Widow and... well, that's it, unless you're happy playing the
girlfriend or Maria Hill (who, admittedly, is gradually acquiring
more things to do). And for Trans, or Non-White, or LGBTQ Person of
Any Gender? Well, Non-White Male has the option of playing Nick
Fury, but that's about it unless we expand out from Avengers to the
whole of the Marvel Universe. And even that doesn't gain us anything
in Trans, LGBTQ or Female characters.
Obviously I'm not
suggesting that anyone should be restricted to only playing as
characters from their own demographics. I have no issue with Small
Girl playing at being Storm, after all, nor did the question of race
stop her dressing up to play Doc McStuffins and give all her toys
checkups the other day. But I do think there should be more variety
out there, more choice for the kids in the playground, or the
cosplayers at the conventions. Were I to cosplay, I wouldn't
necessarily want to end up dressed as a male character, but neither
would I want to be stuck as a leather-clad kung-fu chick, which is
frequently the only option for female characters who aren't wives,
mothers or girlfriends.
More characters means
more choice. All of the "Mane Six" ponies in My Little
Pony are female, and all are different. You can choose to be tough,
or sporty, or glamorous, or bouncy (that makes them sound like Spice
Girls, but the point remains). The ensemble in Agents of SHIELD has
the requisite leather-clad kung-fu chick, but also the smart-mouthed
hacker and the nervous scientist. The X-Men have a dizzying array of
options, though there are still some gaps there, at least in the
I want more. Fiction
gives us the opportunity to portray anything we can imagine. I want
to be shown things I'd never even considered before. I want
characters I can identify with, and I want to see what it's like to
be somebody different. I want a full-on, glorious rainbow of
possibilities to inspire me. Because it's not just about seeing
ourselves in the characters on the screen, or between the pages.
It's about seeing other people, and all the different things they
might be. Like seeing a black teenager as something other than a
threat, as just a kid who's walking in the road because the pavement
is for squares.
I have more thoughts,
because there are more arguments than just the question of numbers,
but I'll marshall those in a separate post in a day or two. This
one's gone on quite long enough.